Sunday, October 12, 2008

A science comment

First I have to declare my official ignorance of any form of science beyond high school physics. That said, I still have opinions on top of opinions or I wouldn't be spending time writing this.

I am convinced modern physicists have been beating their collective head on a wall for several years. There is a significant understanding of the measureable and predictable effects of gravity and the electromagnetic force. I suspect there may be a similar but not quite fully predictable understanding of the "strong" and "weak" nuclear forces. The grand unified field theory that Einstein was never able to produce is still eluding scientists even with all the technical advances in computing and all the experiments with various particle accelerators...etc. Science will be stuck in this level of understanding until some person with a bit of insight and a willingness to express it cracks the wall. I will not live to see it and with the way we humans are destroying our own environment we may loose the chance. We need to support education and science with open minds. We must not limit our support to those persons and projects that fit into the simple pigeon-holes of tradition. Support the fringes of science and personal style so that unique ideas get tested instead of supressed.


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