Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why we need reform and not lies or accusations.

Once more I am inspired to comment on healthcare reform.

On today’s evening news I saw a follow-up report on a free healthcare service for poor, uninsured and under-insured persons. There were literally thousands of people of all ages staying in line just to see one of a group of volunteer doctors. The report went on to say less than half of small businesses can afford to provide insurance for their employees or themselves. This is a very real indicator of the need for healthcare reform in this country. There are millions of people with no access to health care at all. Sure there are some laws the require hospitals to provide a certain level of indigent care but the laws generally apply to acute need and do not provide wellness or preventative care. What happens is people cannot get any help unless their life is in immediate jeopardy.
Now, what does this mean in respect to the current debate raging in the media? It means there is one side that has been either grossly misinformed or is undeniably selfish and greedy. Opponents to reform want the current system to remain in place. The current system is becoming more expensive at an alarming rate – putting reasonable care out of reach to more people. I can understand if you have good coverage at a price you can afford you certainly do not want any drastic changes. My problem is the lack of compassion for the growing number of people left behind as costs escalate.
The intent of the reform is to get some help for lower income level families. There is no intent or need to mess with anybody’s current coverage if said coverage is acceptable to the covered. Certainly there will be costs associated with providing coverage. The only real way to cover these costs is an increase in revenue from some sources. Highway infrastructure is paid for in a large part by taxes related to highway use: fuel taxes, local wheel taxes…etc. It would not be unreasonable to institute a small tax on some portions of the health care system to pay for the coverage. The government should be no more than a provider of insurance coverage for those without any other affordable coverage. There is no reason for government regulation of health care beyond what we now have. I would expect the coverage provided by the government would be less restrictive and intrusive than most current insurance companies. People would have the option of buying the government-backed insurance coverage or any private insurance coverage. For the lower income levels the government would subsidize the premiums, co-pays, and deductibles so families could afford the payments. More people will have access to coverage. Current coverage need not change. The combination of user premiums and subsidies for low income families based on reasonable taxes on existing private coverage would pay the cost. Competition would remain the driving force of private insurers.
If you have an irrational fear of sharing a waiting room with a poor family, you could purchase a private access plan and you never have to see a poor person. If you think it is better to let poor people to suffer instead of paying a bit more tax you are simply selfish and greedy. As I have said before: Some people would rather let three people die prematurely than pay a 1 or 2 percent annual tax on their health care. There is no excuse to oppose reform blindly. Support reform in concept and work with us to craft a workable solution. People are suffering. Be wiling to help. Don’t believe all the outrageous lies being wielded as political weapons. Think for yourself and with your soul. Help us find a workable reform plan!!!

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