Monday, June 29, 2009

The connection between UFOs and the Mayan Prophesy

UFOs and 12/21/2012 (Huh?)

One of my personal problems is the tendency to think too much when I have too little to do. This morning over my first cup of coffee the following concept came to me. It is not a serious opinion just a very unlikely possibility. Here it is:

As I mentioned in a previous article, our solar system will cross the plane of the galaxy on or about the same date described in the Mayan world ending prophesy. (This is from a TV show I saw a few weeks ago.) Now there are an increasing number of people professing belief in the Alien Abduction Phenomenon. My mind made a connection in my imagination and I decided the UFOs are preparing for the collapse of our civilization by taking DNA samples and maybe even marking some individuals for rescue as the catastrophe unfolds. Being a purveyor of how-to advice to anyone who’ll listen, I decided to produce a how-to document for increasing one’s chances of being rescued by the aliens. I also realize I may not have all the answers so after I list my suggestions I am going to request ideas from the public. I really do not believe anyone is actually reading this crap but if someone stumbles upon it and has a good suggestion – post it.

Learn Klingon and put “here I am” in Klingon on your roof.

I don’t know how the various religious groups get along with aliens but you could try praying.

Move as far away from other people as you can; this will make you seem special.

Become a leader of a country and never let anyone forget it.

Set up a transmitter and start broadcasting on the “hydrogen line” – the fundamental frequency of the hydrogen atom.

Move to a mountain top and make your presence known in any way you can:
Paint the entire mountain top bright yellow
Level the mountain top and draw huge figures and lines on it
Gather together a bunch of followers and start stacking stone blocks into geometric shapes.

More to come (I hope)

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