Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Toombstone of America

I recently received a "chain email" showing the tombstone of America claiming death by suicide on Nov 2008. This is a hateful message with hidden connotations. I responded with the text below and I thought I should publish my opinion here as well.

I first saw this tombstone on a co-worker’s locker. It was kind of cute in a dark sort of way. The fact that it is still circulating is a sign that we still have a lot of maturing as a society. The people who propagate this stuff are keeping our society mired in a wrong and limited direction that works against maturity. People who refuse to think for themselves are the tools of hate-mongers. The hate-mongers have their own agendas that have very little to do with the propaganda they distribute. They are manipulating the weaker members of society in order to increase their own power base. People who continue to keep this stuff going are refusing to think for themselves. They are also refusing to see through the fog of hate to the real reason behind the distribution.

The death of America will be the result of unconstrained greed – not because of election results. The recent economic collapse is a prime symptom of the disease that is killing us. Money and power are tools of the greedy. These tools put them in charge of legislative bodies and allow them to manipulate lawmakers to support their greed. The propaganda of the email under discussion is intended to promote their control by undermining the support for groups who oppose them.

D. Page

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