Saturday, September 5, 2009

Personal Attacks on Barak Obama

I received another email today trying to convince me that President Obama is not a real citizen and does not deserve to be president. My response to such claims is the focus of this article.

What is the ultimate intent of this movement? Do you want Joe Biden as our president? Do you want another election? Are these claims being supported by international anti-American groups wanting to tear down our government? Do you people propagating these attacks really know where the claims actually originate? Such disruptive statements serve no purpose except to weaken this country through divisiveness. I'm sure there are people in the CIA who could explain this process better because they have used the same process to cause disruption in target countries. It is entirely possible we are being attacked by the Taliban, AlQueda, or some other anti-American organization. If we let these unfounded claims divide us, we are much more vulnerable to more overt attacks and less likely to mount a cohesive response to a real attack.

If you people are anti-American at heart and you believe in disrupting the American government you have to be careful how far you go. All you have to do is make one overt threat and the government you hate will be acutely aware of you. (and all that implies)

If you are propagating this stuff because you think there is truth in it, I want to know who your actual sources are and I want to research this myself. I happen to know that anyone can make up any story along with "photoshopped" images to support that story. Truth is not required. You people must think for yourselves and think about why this stuff keeps coming around. Do you want to be a part of an attack on our country because you're too stupid to choose DELETE instead of FORWARD.

As the Geico Gecko said: "c'mon people"



Anonymous said...

How dare you think that any difference of opinion that goes against the President and Congress is anti-American? If you need to, please feel free to read our preamble to our constitution. I believe it says that government of any form is of the people, for the people and by the people. No one is attacking our country because we choose to question agendas.

The people of the United States have spoken and Barack Obama is president. Now, do not play the race card with me or democratic or republican ticket. I do not agree with the Republicans because they are not environmentally friendly and are usually big money. Most of the time through-out history, the United States has usually enjoyed better economic times under a democratic president. I personally would have voted for Colin Powell. He threw his support to Barack Obama, but I did not lose respect for him.

The point that you seem to have missed is that if this President earned respect instead of demanding it, then that would be a different story. You cannot demand respect. He has by-passed congress by appointing 30 plus czars and when have you heard that term used in reference to political figures in the United States? I was relieved to hear that Van Jones, with his communist thinking has resigned. With people like him sitting on the right side of our President, then you better wake up to what this president is about. When, we the people ,fail to question our people in power, then we allow our country to erode from within.

One other issue that I would like to have you explain to me is the fact that any other president in history has taken months to have his cabinet confirmed, so why is the only confirmation hearing that I have actually caught been the replacement of a Supreme court judge? What have I missed? President nominates who he wants in whatever position, FBI or CIA investigate backgrounds, and Congress votes to approve or disapprove. Is this where the Czars came in?

WyoKnott said...

Ok, I was a mite strong in my approach and anti-American was probably over-the-top. As a poor, under-educated southern country boy, I've only recently realized I have a voice and a place to use it. I often try to make up for lost time.

If someone tells me he or she believes Obama is not a born citizen of the United States I can accept that a a personal, if misguided, opinion and leave it at that. When people are abusing the internet resources by spreading unsubstantiated claims I have to wonder at their motives. Once a person has been elected and has managed to survive the intense scrutiny of the FBI (under Republican direction) as well as the resources of several opposing candidates, I have to believe he just might be legitimate. Since, as I wrote in the original post, the generation of false and misleading "evidence" is far too easy.I find it hard to accept it at face value.
There is no valid motive for continuing to spread this type of "documentation" around. Unfortunately there are too many people who have legitimate reasons to distrust our government. The type of propaganda (not the right word)I'm concerned about does nothing but increase levels of distrust. Our founding fathers had the foresight to establish a republic that must respect opinion and the press. As citizens we have a responsibility to apply our personal common sense to what we hear or read.
I used the possibility of outside opponents behind this divisive propaganda to re-enforce my dislike for blindly forwarding emails. The posibility is extremely remote but there does exist a strong moral opposition to the Obama presidency. We can mount opposition with facts and personal opinions without what I perceive as "made-up documents".

The government must have a certain amount of respect in order to do its job. The presidency has to have some respect irregardless of the person.

There are smart people with the skills to "spin" any valid facts to make then support their agenda. I would like to be able to spend a day with any person who wants my vote and develop a first-hand opinion. That "ain't gonna happen" so I have to filter the media reports with my own intelligense, experience and common sense. I get the impression I'm in a minority with this approach.

WyoKnott said...

I just re-read my previous comment. I am not really that bad with spelling or grammar. I apologize.