Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Government shutdowns due to budget issues

Ok - anyone who has read some of my wild ravings before should realize where this is going.

There is no excuse for any government entity to be nearing shutdown because of budget. The blame for the current situations looming over some (actually most) state and local governments falls squarely on the greed of the local voters. Yes greed! Blind insistence that "Its mine and I want to keep it" is greed. If you want the city to keep the streets clean, well lighted, and safe you cannot expect others to pay for it and not contribute your part. I could go on about the many services provided by governments at all levels but I assume you are at least smart enough to extrapolate beyond my one example.

We are the lowest taxed people in the western world and as a whole we have more than adequate income. Continuing to strangle our governments by refusing to pay our taxes is weakening our country. Stop voting down tax increases! Stop cutting services just to keep a few dollars a week of your overblown salary. The money you're burying in your retirement accounts will be useless when the gangs take over your city. Political unrest naturally follows periods of oppression driven by greed and power brokering.


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