Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Let the poor die - we don't need them

It is painfully obvious that people who have the money to spend would rather spend the money to fight a tax increase than to pay a tax to help people who need healthcare. The concept is: “I would rather have 3 people die due to lack of health care than to pay an extra $1000 a year out of my $250,000 a year income.” What is wrong with America? Greed is the driving force in this country. What happened to freedom, belief in God (or any god), and respect for others?
It is equally obvious that people who are in a position to do something about this are too afraid of offending their heavily moneyed supporters to do what needs to be done. Maybe the consensus among rich people is: if enough poor people die we won’t have the problem anymore. Is that what is being implied here? Is that the message we want to show the world - We don’t care and we aren’t afraid to hide it. Is it?

Come on people. Don’t be afraid to do what must be done. Don’t be ashamed to admit to your friends that your conscience requires you to help people. How many people in this country have incomes of $250000 or more? How many have incomes less that this? If we organize the voters, we can outweigh the money with votes. The money itself cannot overcome a mass of voters unless the voters let themselves be manipulated by the money-driven media.



fiveboxes said...

"Let the old, sick, and unproductive die - we don't need them." Fixed that for you.

Socialized healthcare means that the elderly won't get expensive operations that "may only prolong their lives for a few more years." Sorry grandma, no pacemaker for you... you're past the cutoff age of 65.

Socialized healthcare means that the really sick won't get expensive medications that "may only prolong their lives for 6 months to 2 years." Sorry, we know you have cancer, but that treatment is really expensive, and you're terminal anyway. Update your will... time to go. Don't want to be a burden on everyone, do you?

Socialized healthcare means rationing... for the good of society, of course. You no longer get to make the decisions regarding your health; your doctor no longer gets to make the decisions regarding your health... a bureaucrat makes the decisions based on what's good for society.

Socialist healthcare means a man with a brian tumor gets put on a 6-month wait list for an MRI -- like in Canada -- as opposed to getting the MRI tomorrow and surgery in three days, like here in the U.S.

Right now, today, a homeless man can walk into a hospital and get treated for terminal cancer. Medicaid picks up part of the tab... your health insurance premiums pick up the rest. Hospitals are required, by law, to provide care to anyone who needs it. They are prevented from giving different levels of care based on the ability for the patient to pay. This is guaranteed, by law, today. Tomorrow, if socialist healthcare passes, will be a different story.

For more reference, see:
A short course in brain surgery
Treat me like a dog
Healthcare the American Way
Free Market Cure

PS: For the record, I make way, way less than $250,000.

fiveboxes said...

One more:
Healthcare the American Way, part II